EC ians are always very much charged for any team activity. Lot of talented bunch with individual brilliance to the sky...
Corporate Theatre was one more feather added to their kitty...Feedbacks are :
Team work converted the impossible to possible. First sight made us think that tableau was impossible. As time went, we worked as a team to bring changes in the production. This is applicable to our contribution to the society too..Energy level brought success and it was such a nice experience in college life.. First of all, we planned, assigned roles and then split into groups to do something beneficial for the team and the end product was the tableau where TRUST played a key role in success, Workshop took us to childhood memories and we can do wonders if we have a childlike attitude. Limited resources were managed effectively with a relaxed state of mind to bring in the best in us.. No expectations were there when I entered CT. 30 minutes was a magic of my life, everyone’s life too. Experienced the Power of Team work in high intensity,Together each other achieve more. First time I felt crazy. All have the child in us to grow, we can complement each other. Thank all of us and all of them did their best,Thank CCR , CT inspired me and everyone inspired me. We are in team to work and inspire each other and motivate to success, Nice experience working together, Power of Cooperation was felt with sharing of work, critical support from everyone. Experienced our true self today with CT..Broke the shells, topic was given, roles got automatically divided, with lot of mutual understanding andmaximum utilization and team work at its greatness,32. 30 minutes of memorable college life filled us with positive attitude and now my confidence level has rised so much that I can turn the entire world upside down
Well...Again...What a workshop it was ...to look back and see the participants and the change they had brought to them and in the facilitators make it much more memorable and rewarding
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