Corporate Theatre - Teaming Thru Theatre Welcomes everyone...
Aug 19th - Bright sun shine - a good morning to wake up early by 4 am and get to the venue to make it much more comfortable to do the workshop. We had the CS students coming up at 6.45 a.m. in the morning...It was a great start with the first two games rolling in terrific performances from the audience. Individually brilliant and stunning performance from the batch. Then came the team activity in game 3, which was quite challenging for the group...its a natural process which as facilitators found it quite different and we went ahead accepting the process of the team members.
A journey from inhibition to freeness, shyness to openness, blocked mind to a relaxed mind, self conscious state to childlike mindset...CS students took up the challenge in game 3 and displayed one of the best theatre productions.
Participants gave a powerful feedback like
" We learnt three pillars of success – Hard work, Dedication, Equal participation from all team members." "We enjoyed the most and happy that it transformed our personality.""Wonderful experience that we had today, normally we were never so interactive. But through CT, we worked together as a team where we accepted the way others are .."
The entire team is viewed as a process with the team becoming the leader. It throws open lot of things like level of (competency, freedom, commitment, energy)
Leadership is lot to do about knowing ourself, others and the system they create. The last 30 minutes went in a racy way where they could manage changes and time in their own inimitable style.
Above all as facilitators, we were once again blessed to deliver it for CS(See-yes) students. Thanking the almighty for everything and praying for hearing success stories from CS programmers..
Wish you good luck, CS
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