Whenever we start something new – a new project, job or assignment, usually we all are enthusiastic about what we are doing. So we work really hard to create it. But slowly as time passes, people have the tendency to mellow down and end up becoming a bit slack about their work. This is because people have started getting used to what they do and then there is no more enthusiasm left. But, while working in an organization, it is important to keep the momentum up to be a super performer at all times. So, how do we keep the steam going? Does motivation solely lie on the leader’s shoulders to motivate the team?
Motivation is not like a daily dose of medicine. It is a matter of each person’s attitude. If you are thinking long term, you must ensure that your goal is clearly a matter of personal achievement. Motivating oneself is not seasonal. Just because we are now in a recession economy does not mean you should be negative. Motivation should be developed as an attitude.
So what should we do to keep ourselves motivated, alert and kicking? Here are some pointers:
It is important to be connected with successful and motivated people. For instance, our immediate supervisor plays an important role here. As young people we can look up to our boss for motivation based on the quality of his guidance. It has the power to shape our initial experiences in your job. Successful people have the power to charge the environment they are in and this well to get us started.
Though very mundane, it’s a nice idea to keep a record of all our achievements. It can do wonders for our performance. One can write down tasks for the day in a daily diary and tick it off as he/she completes them. This makes the individual feel good at the end of the day as he/she knows how much work is completed. Maintaining this kind of record is also useful during our performance appraisal as we can easily find out the list of things we do daily, plus the extra responsibilities that we have taken up.
It is necessary that we set goals for ourselves and ensure that we achieve them individually. If we are not seeking to add value, we are not aspiring to grow. We cannot concede to become status quo. That is both unnatural and not conducive to personal well being. In growth, we are thriving, learning and changing. In order to change continually, we must learn. A responsible risk taking mentality and trust are the two factors necessary for growth. In an environment of gossip and malice there is only negativity and mistrust. With these two elements, one cannot manage to even think of motivation let alone practice it. So if we have our personal goals in place and want to achieve them, irrespective of the market scenario, and the people around us, we will succeed.
It is important to be proactive with learning. At least once a month let us give an opportunity to learn something new – a skill, knowledge or a new perspective. Every once a quarter, it is nice to do a new task. Doing something different and new keeps us charged up to face challenges. Also we learn various things outside of just our regular job at work. We can even offer to help out with something in other departments to increase our knowledge. This might also earn us the respect of people from other departments.
Negativity or pessimism will only make us feel low. So Let us try taking up a personal pledge never to be negative in any situation. Believe in ourselves. It’s important to believe that good people always have a job. Growth may come slowly but pay packets will get rationalized only over a period of time. A positive person always radiates positivity and thus motivates not just himself but also others around him. Companies/ Educational Institutions usually look out for positive and self motivated people.
Meditation helps calm the mind and think rationally while exercise keeps the mind active. Both of this is important to keep us going. A few minutes of meditation daily, and an extended walk or jog down our alley can go a long way in keeping us way ahead of others.